Thursday, January 3, 2013

Who loves food?

These were all taken during the month of October. Fun to look back and see how much Hazel has changed since then. She still has about the same amount of hair, too. Someday it will grow and she still won't like me fixing it. ; ) This girl has a healthy appetite and love for food. (Just like her parents!)

Hazel crawled into the pantry and the only thing she picked out was a rootbeer milk. Then she came out and handed it to me to put the straw in. She is her father's daughter!!! 9 1/2 mon. old.

The Bumbo days. Patiently waiting for some grub. : )

Aggressively attaching her turkey slices. 10 mon. old.
Who doesn't love Nielsen's Frozen Custard?!
Licking every bit of it that she can.
Hazel used to love eating paper. This was printed off and folded in a travel book to plan a trip. Good thing I stopped her in time before our itinerary was lost! haha! 
You know Hazel is tuckered out if she falls asleep before eating!!!!!! : )

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