Monday, February 27, 2012

2 Weeks

We all know I'm horrible at blogging. I actually have a bunch of pics ready for posts from 2011 events. I prepared them before Hazel was born and didn't get around to posting them. Maybe I'll do it soon but don't hold your breath!

Hazel has grown so much! We know she's still rather small for her age, but looking at these makes me realize how much she's changed. So fun! But I do miss the petite, tiny girl I could pack around in the crook of my arm.

These are all from within a couple days of her two-week mark.

Showing off her monkey butt!
Both of our sisters--Malia and Brenna--making hair things.
Malia made this headband for Hazel and wanted to see how it looked.
She also did her bundle wrap job--she slept forever and was nice and toasty!
Sleeping with grandpa--and modeling another hair thing I made--kinda crazy looking! lol
Conor baking Korean chicken wings.
We all ate lunch with Conor at his work while his family was visiting for the holidays.
He's obviously not worried about appearing on his work's slideshow the way his office looks.
He commutes to and from work on his bike, like in Houston. I'm glad he has room to store it all. lol!

I know you can't really tell--but Hazel is actually standing on her feet.  It's really quite amazing.
Something she has done since birth. We just support her arms/upper body--I love it!!!
Yes, I love monkeys. No, not everything she wears has a monkey. But it was a cute outfit and had to have it!
Poor thing has no idea what's coming.
Wouldn't you be crying, too?!
I swear they sucked all the blood out of her--check out her foot!
At her 2 wk.  appt. weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz. 21.5 in. long
When she was born she was 6 lbs. 12 oz. and 18.5 in. long
Napping with grandpa--their favorite pastime. 
Hazel's first time for a "real" bath in our tub. Complete with bubbles and toys--she liked it!
Daddy's girl for sure! He's so good to care for her as you can see. : )

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I LOVE those monkey bum p.j.s!!! I'm glad you are finally posting some friggen pictures, Dayna Sue! She is a real doll. :)
