Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It's Bumbo Time!

Day 1 w/the Bumbo. She's one happy girl!!!
Isn't it marvelous all of the inventive ideas and products that are out there for children? The Bumbo chair is no exception in my book. Love, Love, Love it!!! A friend told me about it but I still couldn't quite picture it. Conor ordered one on Amazon and it arrived a few days later. I immediately busted into the package and put it out for Hazel. She smiled and laughed the first time she tried it. She's strong and has good neck muscles, so it's great. Also, she's sick of laying on the floor or in the Boppy, swing, etc. Mainly due to the fact she constantly looks around and moves her head. Maybe this will help with the bald spot on the back of her head?!

P.S. Many kind people have pointed out the dangers of kids in the Bumbo. I am well aware. Also, I was informed there are recalls on them. Seriously--what item for kids doesn't have a recall?! She loves it and we love it. : )

Another noteworthy item is baby weight. MY baby weight. In 3 months I lost all of mine! Yeah!!! Pretty happy about that since I gained more than I had wanted to--35 lbs. Ouch! I attributed a lot of that to water weight and bloating. Mostly I blame living in Houston--haha--and air travels. It just never went back down. Haha! But I like to think that my walks and watching what I ate (at least until our Europe trip and the move to Utah) was really what helped me out. : ) My mom also swears by breastfeeding to lose your weight--she must be right!!!

Dad's home! She had to check it out.
And she's out!
We were going grocery shopping. But I no longer take her out in a green sleeper outfit like this.
Especially without a bow or hair thing. Last time I tried that I was told what a cute boy I had. 
Now we're both ready to leave! The pink screams, "I'm a girl!!!"

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! Hazel is 1/4 Irish and proud of it!

Their favorite pastime together.
Loved this outfit. I made the hair thing and wanted to use it. It kinda matches. lol This is her pirate look.

I straightened my hair and it feels glorious!!! Plus it stays straight until I wash it. Unlike when I tried it in Houston a couple of times.
And, yes, I did dress to match Hazel. Why not?! : )

Hazel has started grabbing and holding onto objects. I give her a few ring toys in the Bumbo sometimes.

This day we didn't purposely match. We're just naturally a cute pair. : )

1 comment:

  1. I have heard there are dangers, too, but I don't know what they are. I've had nothing but good experiences with them. Go, Bumbo!
