Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Leg 3: Phnom Penh, Cambodia

We flew from Hong Kong to the capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh. Can't say I was super impressed with the area. It was somewhat run-down and trashy, though you could tell at some point it was nice. Arriving at night didn't help. Either did the police standing at every corner with rifles. We took a taxi from the airport to our hotel and before leaving he managed to bash another car and take out his side mirror. I wanted to get out and find a safer driver--haha! He dropped us off a block from our hotel and I was skeptical we were in the right area, but prayed we were. Guards stood blocking the street and wouldn't allow him to drive down the road. Ask me how excited and safe I felt. Made me very appreciative of living in the U.S.

The following day we saw the main palace and tried to stay awake all day. I loved all the people watching and seeing how they lived.

We took a bus the next day and traveled about 6 hours to Angkor Wat. It was so interesting to look out the window and all the areas we went through. I took some fabulous drive by photos to capture it! : ) Oh, and one thing that made me laugh was the bus offered wi-fi. It had better reception (traveling through the country and remote areas) than most places we stayed.

Conor was stoked to be riding on this plane. He asked to have his pic taken with it. haha!

Our room in Phnom Penh--notice the mosquito netting. Below is the courtyard of our hotel. 

Raw meat. Tasty. They offered us some. No thanks.
Bikes literally ride next to other vehicles, buses, etc. They're constantly honking at one another to move over. The bigger you are, you seem to have the right of way on the road. 

My favorite sign of the trip. : ) From the smell of it, people didn't read the sign.
Our bus stop was in the middle. Made me laugh and wonder if we really were going to arrive in Angkor Wat.
Everyone travels on motorbikes. After repairing the a/c unit, these guys loaded up their supplies in front of them and carried the ladder on the back. Unbelievable! All while wearing flip flops, nonetheless!

Unfortunately piles of trash are EVERYwhere. They burn all the plastics and the stench is awful!

Loved the little boys playing in the ditch water. haha!


  1. WOW. A lot of those pictures reminded me of Haiti. Love the piss sign. ;~)

    1. Do they really? Fun! Well, I'm trying to post more. I wish I had written things down. I need to read our e-mails to get details. Such an interesting trip!!!

      I know, the Piss sign is killer!!!!! It made me laugh so hard. I knew you would appreciate it! LOL!
