After that I went shopping. It is something very new to me, I know. I haven't been in a long time and I kind of went overboard. First, we dropped this lady off at a jewelry shop. I didn't really want anything...but while walking through, they convinced me to get something for my mother, and I did. So mom, happy birthday and merry Christmas. They kept trying to push me to buy more and I kept explaining that I didn't have a girlfriend. The lady said something in Thai to the girl helping her out and then said, "she's married, otherwise you could have her." I guess it isn't too hard to find a girl here in Bangkok. But, I finally made it to the tailor shop. I really only wanted to get some white shirts. But, 9 shirts, 2 pairs of pants and $600 later...well, that sums up what happened to me. I figure I haven't been shopping in over a year and I am getting good quality, tailored clothing, it's ok.
Other things I have learned. Thai people are crazy drivers. Thai food is really good. Go-Go dancers in Thailand are not what I saw on MTV's the Real World Las Vegas. Big cities smell. Fox news is the only channel I like to watch in Thailand. It is really sad to see a 15 year old Thai girl walking around with a 50 year old fat guy. Thai is really hard to speak. As you can see, I have learned a lot.
Me and a guy named Mike in a Tuk-Tuk. I look almost happy.

A little Thai girl paying alms to buddha

The emerald buddha

A roof at the palace. Look at all the porcelain detail
Me with some cheidi