Friday, August 24, 2012

Our Yard

Just another progress report on the yard. Grass is growing well--yeah! Several plants have died and will need to be replanted. We'll wait until fall or next spring. Amazing it's doing this well with the weather. The "island" area is doing the best. Still need mulch added around the yard, more plants, fine tuning, etc. But I'm thrilled to have grass and a yard out front our first year!

The deer have moved back in this month (August) and have taken a liking to our yard. Yes, it looks that good! The deer are no dummies and gravitate towards it!!! : ) They're eating and sampling a lot of our plants and trees, much to our chagrin. A couple of them we knew they liked so I can deal with that. But a bunch of them were suggested by the nursery--especially since the deer wouldn't like them. Ask us how thrilled we are about that. Looks like we'll need to plant loads of lavendar and guara since they haven't touched those! haha!

I just happened to look out the window a couple weeks ago and saw these 2 bucks lounging!

Conor has started clearing out between the rocks to build our steps. I forgot to take pics of the stages thus far, so here's the progress thus far. Exciting!!!


  1. Dude. Why don't you capitalize on those deer and let them give you a ride. You won't even have to pay 50¢ like you do on those fake plastic ones at the mall. And who knows, maybe you'll even get some free ticks or something??

    1. Smart thinking! Invite the neighbor kids over . . . this could be bigger than snow cones!!!!
