Sunday, July 29, 2012

Happy Fourth!!!

I simply love the Fourth of July and it's my favorite holiday. An amazing time to reflect and pay tribute to our great nation and the wonderful men and women that have served and those that continue to do so. And in our family we LOVE fireworks and anything that involves black powder and some sort of bang. I do miss my dad's "bombs"!!! Next year we need to remember to pull out the cannon to shoot off.

We went to the Kaysville parade--the best around, plus they throw out loads of candy. Had a tasty bbq complete with ribs and fresh sorbet, water balloons, hanging out with family, and fireworks. Love it!!!

These were taken July 2nd. Hazel loves her rice cereal.
I wanted to show off her long, lizard tongue!!!
Always a happy camper after she's fed!
Conor, Hazel, Malia, & Ty at Kaysville Parade

We caught some beads they threw out. Prepping her for Mardi Gras! ; )

She fell asleep on the walk back to my parents.

Malia, Kormyck and Tayden working on the water balloons.
I scored the balloons for quarter/bag last winter!!! : )
Hazel was much happier in this outfit. Her face says it all!

She was SO happy to have her own water balloon and didn't cry when it popped on her.

July 5th--we have porcelain x 2!!!!!!


  1. Sheesh, Dayna Sue, Hazel could probably lick her hair clean with that tongue of hers. ;~P And she probably wasn't fazed with the water balloon popping on her because her MOTHER baptizes her in the sprinklers! ;~)

    1. Don't you just love her tongue?! haha! So true about the sprinklers!!!! lol!

  2. Loved all the pictures of Hazel, Persis, you guys, and the green lawn! You guys have worked hard on the yard. Just think, in the winter you can just relax.....
