Wednesday, July 25, 2012

6 Months

Hazel turned 6 months old June 15th and we decided to treat her to something special. After all, it was her half birthday. Not something to be taken lightly when you're a Carroll.

As a present to herself, Hazel learned to sit up, unassisted. SO nice and she seems much happier being able to twist around and look at everything her little heart desires. Also, a few days after she got her 1st tooth. When I told Conor he was skeptical. "Do we have porcelain?" Typical Conor. . . . . . . 2nd tooth came in July 5th. Hazel has her two bottom teeth and they're so cute! Fingers make nice teething rings and she's happy to show you; just lend a finger or two!

Conor braved the adventure with me. He may or may not have been coerced with a cherry limeade cream slush.
The cream slushes are NOT 1/2 off 2-4pm at Sonic; however any variety of reg. slushes are. Money well spent this day.

Such a happy girl!
1st time she sat up on her own--yeah!!!

Not so happy girl. I hate this part of the checkups! : (

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