Memorial Weekend we headed to my sister's in Nibley, right outside of Logan. Conor volunteered to help with a bike ride that Saturday and they were starting in Brigham City and riding around 250 miles. He had to wake up at 3 and head down to prepare for the day's journey and followed the course in his car to support and help them. Turned out to be a cold, nasty, rainy day and he's glad he wasn't riding.
My sister's family was going to the Air Show at HAFB so Hazel and I tagged along. We were so excited! Malia and I had never been to the event, despite growing up nearby and our Dad working on the base. Although the weather threatened, we decided to pack up and go anyway. My mom met us and took my two younger nephews to tend. I strapped Hazel on my front carrier and off we went into the sea of people. It was windy and sprinkling when we arrived. But we were optimistic. Conditions worsened and the air show was postponed. At first we were going to wait it out and were ecstatic to move closer as throngs of people bailed. Well, it was pouring pretty good at this point, and rather chilly, so we joined the other thousand people huddled in one of the hangars. After waiting it out for an hour or so, with no improvement, we called it quits. All our stuff we had left out was soaked, as were we. But we went through one of the large planes since there was virtually no line! By the time we made it back to the vehicle it was 42 degrees. None of us had properly dressed and prepared for that! Hazel was a real trooper and seemed to be enjoying it and even fell asleep.
We picked up the younger boys at my mom's and my sister dried her pants a little. By now the weather cleared off, and the sun was trying to peer through the clouds. Jets were flying overhead so we knew the show had resumed. On our way back we decided to just check out the situation back on base. Hardly anyone was there and we drove up to the 2nd row and parked. Bo and Tayden went in and watched while the rest of us stayed warm in the vehicle to see the show. The thunderbirds were awesome!!!! We'll have to go again next time the show is held!
Thanks for a fun weekend!!!
Malia at the show. Thank goodness for that umbrella; it saved Hazel & I!!! |
Me & Hazel watching the show. I thought it would be sunny and brought her shades. LOL! At least it kept the rain out of her eyes. |
Bo kindly lent me an extra jacket to wrap around Hazel & I. She feel asleep. Don't worry she didn't fall out--it just looks like she will. |
Bo & Malia after our 1st attempt at Air Show. |
Thunderbirds |
Hazel took over the saucer and loved the toys. |
Late Sunday night when we got home. Apparently she pulled her hood over her head. Maybe the stars were bright?! I think she looks like a superhero in costume. Haha! : ) |