Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ponderosa Yeah, yeah, yeah. We haven't been the best at updating our blog. While I have to take some blame for our lack of posts, I am going to pass the brunt of the blame to my lovely, beautiful wife. I will give you a quick synopsis, but you will have to get the details and the pictures from her. In fact, in our last family meeting, Dayna was voted the family historian and the chief financial officer (CFO). Her career has really skyrocketed and the glass ceiling is nowhere in sight!!! It's just unfortunate for her that the CEO (me) gets 2 votes at every meeting, compared to all other individuals getting 1 vote (regardless of the number of positions held within the family/corporation). She has thought, pondered and schemed many ways to throw a coup, but it is all wasted time she could be fulfilling her historian duties documenting our lives on this blog. Her only way out of this conundrum is to add individuals to the corporation...

Nonetheless, I have digressed. Here are a few exciting/maybe-not-so-exciting things we have done since our last post months ago. We took a road trip down the Oregon coast to the Redwoods in California (PS, California has just taught us all an important lesson about lending the government money). We went to the motherland (Korea). We went to Japan. I went back to Canada (it was cold). I have gained 40 pounds in one year. We went to Iowa for New Years and exciting Jasper, IN after that.

The pretty much us up to the topic of this post. We have sold our house in Magna. I can't say too much about the sale itself and still keep this blog kid friendly. So...that is that. But, we also bought a beautiful home in Houston. I just named him Lucien. So, the one pic in this post, is a picture of Lucien.

We are looking forward to the move, which begins in about 2 weeks. Ta-ta Magna, hello Houston!!!


  1. Looks like a great place. It was great to see ya'll and we can't wait till you move here!

    btw, Conor you are more than welcome to swing by anytime to practice your parenting skills...

  2. Congrats, what a cute house! And you guys sure do a lot of traveling! How fun!

  3. wow, good choice. who helped you choose this house?

  4. Oh my gosh! Who are you and what did you do with my husband?! It was somewhat entertaining, but lets hope we have a discerning audience that doesn't believe everything they see/hear! 40 lbs. eh? You've finally blossomed! Looks like we need to ski while you're here! And if you want your wife and your stuff to arrive in Houston, I suggest you restructure your voting system and reinstate women's equal voting rights ASAP! P.S. You spelled Lucian wrong!!! Pull out the pedigree next time!

    From: Your lovely wife that can't wait to see you tomorrow night!

  5. I have always thought that we should end women's suffrage.
