Okay, so Bonanza implies a wild and crazy time. Which it was, just don't think I did anything too wild. My two friends, Emily and Chera, drove in from Houston to have a "wild and crazy" time here in NOLA. Emily is leaving for her mission to Chile in a week or so--she will be missed.
Emily and Chera got in late Friday night. We went to Port of Call on Esplande in the Quarter to get a hamburger. It was delicious, as usual. I'm just waiting for Port of Call to offer french fries instead of a baked potato. By the time we got done eating, it was pretty late. I gave them a quick car tour through the Marigny and showed them were I used to live in the big green house.
The next morning we got up and went to Oak Alley plantation.

We then went to eat at Cheesecake Bistro. Chera doesn't like seafood, but she vowed to give it a try. So, she got a healthy dose of crawfish (the tails, not actually eating them from their shell). It was delicious,

We returned to my house in Algiers Point and rode the ferry across to the French Quarter. Of course, Emily and Chera had to get their picture taken under a Bourbon street sign. And we just walked around, looked at the famous sites and ate beignets (the powdered sugar all over my face). That pretty much took us to the end of the day and we were all pretty pooped. But, we managed to find the energy (and space in our tummies) for a snoball!!