Friday, June 8, 2012

My 1st Mother's Day

Hooray for Hazel, hooray for being a mom, hooray to all mom's! It's wonderful to be a mom and I just love Hazel! It was fun celebrating my first Mother's Day! Conor outdid himself and spoiled me with a gelato machine, and made dinner at my parent's for my family so the girl's didn't have to cook. It was scrumptious!!!

Aunt Malia & Hazel

Me, Hazel, Mom, Malia

Thanks Grandma, I'm just loving the grass. (Good thing I saved her.)
Grandma holding the two babies--Hazel & Ty
Ty just loves Hazel! He wanted to give her kisses!!!


  1. Kids these days are starting their affection younger and younger. ;~P You look fantastic, Dayna Sue! And you have an adorable baby. :)

    1. I know, right? It's so cute! Ty gets SO excited when he sees her and just wants to love her. And grab her hair things, of course! LOL! Thanks, T. I still have my kangaroo pouch but at least my clothes fit. Good time to get rid of those that aren't flattering and do some shopping!!! ; ) Any excuse for shopping is a good one in my book!
