Saturday, June 2, 2012


Love, Love, Love Hazel's jeggings. They're a cross of jeans and leggings and they're ingenius! So much easier to put on and they look super cute on her. Hazel was happy and playing with her burp cloth and toes beginning of May. 4 1/2 months old.


  1. I think she is the ONLY one I have ever seen look good in jeggings. I'm glad to see you're going out of your comfort zone and putting her in some pink, Dayna Sue... ;~)

  2. T you could totally pull off the jeggings!!! But I do believe babies look good in almost everything. I made sure Hazel chubbed up before she wore them so they weren't baggy. I seem to have the opposite problem! LOL! Yes, I am becoming well acquainted with the color pink. Brace yourself for posts/pics to come! ; )
