Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mustache-querade Party

So, I have photos I got ready to blog last year, saved them and never posted. I tried. Anyhow, I came across them this past week as I have been madly trying to blog and keep things more up-to-date. Yesterday I got to see my dear friend from Houston, Jessica (and some of my young women from church that came on a trip to the west), and figured it was fitting to post these.

Late last May our friend Josh turned 30. Lucky for us we were able to celebrate with him and participate in the fun! Jessica threw him a Mustache-querade themed party that was awesome! All of us received a piece of black cardstock and dowels to fashion our very own mustaches to bring to the party. Conor and I perused pics on the internet for inspiration. I wanted something different and unique--I went with the curls to match my hair. Lol! Conor just wishes he could even grow a mustache--let alone one that could be shaped like that!!!

What a fun evening of eats & treats, games,  and mingling. We sure miss our Houstonian friends!!!

***We are so excited for Josh & Jessica's move to Denver!!! Hopefully we'll be able to get together now that we're closer! Jess--remember your sister's are here. And you know you want to see Hazel more!!! : )

Booker sporting a stache, and Jess
Josh is quite excited about his German Chocolate Cake Jess made! (We all were!)


  1. You look even MORE beautiful with facial hair, DS. ;~)

    1. LOL! So you're saying I should quit shaving and let my stache grow?! ; )

  2. That was a fun blast from the past!

    1. I know, right?! Well, maybe I'll pull out more from the archives as time goes by. : ) It's a shame I never posted our happenings the past few years. But it's fun to take a look at them later and enjoy it all over again!!!
