Well we all know who contributes the most to this blog. But it is CONOR and Dayna's World, after all. I am second on the list and chain of command, so I don't feel the need to log my every move and daily event. We don't have kids, pets or even our own home at this point. I had to part with most of my "babies" and gave up my beautiful indoor trees and plants--except for two I talked Conor into keeping. Unfortunately I feel the need to defend myself and why I haven't added anything to the blog. I was just slightly busy the past few months preparing the house to sell, painting, hardware, curtains, and decluttering and selling items on ksl. Just about everything except the kitchen sink went--including my car and old wedding ring! We're staying with my parents in Kaysville, UT until we're able to move into our home in Houston. We anticipate that to be the middle of March, but could be longer. Conor has finished working offshore and will begin his new job in Houston in a little over a week. I have had time to spend with my family and friends and I'm trying to take advantage of that while I can. Since I have some free time, I decided it was time to get around to the blog.
Last fall, Conor and I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Asia. His sister, Brenna, was a LDS missionary serving in Tokyo, Japan. We took 16 days to travel South Korea and Japan. Two days were killed with plane travel, but the other 14 were a whirlwind of excitement, culture, exploring, fun and photos! (Partly why I procrastinated doing this little project was the 1000+ photos from our little camera alone. Overwhelming when I like all the photos and find them interesting!) Since I didn't take the best records, I may have to update this with the real names and places when I find them. But this first slideshow is all of Seoul, South Korea. A massive city, that happened to have two hotels in a close vicinity with the same name. (The one our cab driver dropped us off at was NOT ours.) We made it there and crashed at 9:00 pm--only to awake at 3:00 am for the next several mornings. Subway system was easy to use and we had fun traveling together. Large, but extremely clean city. Here we ate pretty good--our first meals of the day were provided by hotel and was tasty and recognizable for the most part. (Next time I am ignoring Conor and taking my own stash of granola bars and treats.) Enjoy the first leg of the trip: Seoul!
P.S. Having technical difficulties with slideshow. Please be patient!!! : ) For now just click on 'view all images' below to see photos from Seoul.