But, it was relaxing to stay at my parents "mini-mansion." It's a lot different than NOLA, I will give them that. And the break in heat was just what I needed. Have I ever mentioned that I don't like it hot?? I guess it has something to do with growing up in Minnesota most of my life.
I hung out in the middle of nowhere (where my parents literally live) and that was nice, for awhile. I learned a lot about Britney Spears by watching E!. Such an interesting life. Anywho, the picture of the deer is from my parents back deck looking over their backyard. Pretty n
ifty huh?

I also decided that since I was so close to Minnesota and didn't really have anything to do, that I wanted to go. It was nice to be back and see how much the city has changed. It isn't really the small city that I grew up in. But, I met up with my old childhood friend, Trish, who lived a block away and was the coolest kid in the neighborhood (they had a swimming pool). We went and saw the bridge and found this nifty little arcade game in the place where we ate.

The drive home was lame.