Saturday, July 28, 2012

Granny's Visit

My grandma came down from Idaho to visit my parents for several days. She's now 95–amazing!!! We decided to visit a couple times. My grandma hates looking at the camera and doesn't like her photo taken. I only made her endure it the first day. Because I am a kind granddaughter. I am just nice like that. My sister also came to visit with her boys and it was fun to spend time together.

Who knew oxygen tubes were baby toys?!

At home later that day--she was wiped out! Playing one moment and out the next!
I know she looks terrified but she was "talking" to me. Her 1st time to sit in the grass and liked it!
I accidentally turned the sprinklers on and she got wet. Oops!
Note our nice, lush grass that was almost a week old!

Hazel 6 mo. and Ty 1 yr.
They're so cute together and get excited when they see each other.

I think Ty learned this from his older brothers.
An intervention was inevitable.
I love Hazel's expression and hand gestures in this photo–so comical!!!


  1. Dayna Sue! How do you "accidentally" turn the sprinklers on?? Poor Hazel! She needs me to protect her from you! ;~)

    1. Hey now, cut me some slack. Sprinklers are automatic and Conor asked me to turn the water dripper set on. I hit the wrong one and quickly turned it back off! : )
