Monday, May 7, 2012

Summertime in April

Oh yes--summer is here!!! Well, it felt that way for a week in April with record breaking temperatures. For some reason we play this game to see how long we can survive without turning on the a/c. We did it in Houston, too. We open the windows and doors, use fans, etc. to cool off the house during the night. But there were a few days we were roasting inside!!!! Well, at least roasting for this time of year--haha!

Conor decided to dress Hazel in her "summer outfit" after church. He thought it was hilarious. Come on--she was pulling a white trash baby look! Also, I noticed Hazel's diaper while she donned her so-called summer outfit. No, she's not busting at the seams. Some people just like to put the diaper on tight--REAL tight!!!

Don't worry--we don't neglect our child--just on Sunday's.

Now--here's my version of a summer time outfit that she wore the following day. So cute!!! It's actually a boy's outfit I purchased years ago. I thought she looked darling. Besides, how can you beat a combination of seersucker AND smocking in one outfit?! LOVE IT!!!!

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